• GRANT OF LICENSE.  This is a grant of license and not an agreement for sale. This license allows the Licensee to use one copy of the enclosed software on a single machine. The software is considered in use on a machine if (i) it is loaded into computer RAM, or (ii) it is residing in a computer’s storage device, e.g., hard disk, CD-ROM, or other removable media. The Licensee may make a single backup copy.
  • TRANSFER OF LICENSE.  The software shall not be sold, leased, or distributed in whole or part in any case.
  • SOFTWARE UPDATE.  The Licensee is not entitled to any updates for this product.
  • COPYRIGHT.  The software and accompanying written material are protected by United States and international copyright law. The Licensee shall not copy the software or the accompanying written material in whole or part. One backup copy of the software is allowed.
  • OTHER RESTRICTIONS.  The licensee shall not by himself/herself or allow third party to reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the accompanying software.
  • Licensor do not provide any warranty on this software.
  • NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGE.  To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Licensor be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the installation or download or use or inability to use this system, even if Licensor has been advised of the possibility of such damage.
  • This program is not intended for companies or employees of the companies in the business of software and/or machinery manufacturing, developing, marketing, training, support, including but not limited to embroidery, weaving, and garment industries. Unauthorized download or use of this software violates this agreement and/or copyright law, and may be prosecuted to the maximum extend of the law.
  • The Licensee will not pass or expose this software to any person or company mentioned above.
  • Upon request from the Licensor or violation of this agreement, the Licensee will destroy all copies of this software immediately.
  • This license is governed exclusively by the laws of North Carolina. The Licensee agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of North Carolina and not to bring suit in any other state. This is the entire agreement between Licensee an Licensor relating to this software and supersedes any prior purchase order, communications, advertising, or representations concerning the contents of the software package. No change or modifications of this agreement will be valid unless in writing and signed by the Licensor. Should any individual provision of this license be held unenforceable, such provision will be severed from the agreement, and the balance of the agreement will continue in full force and effect.